Webinar recording and slides
Identifying and Supporting Dyslexia Within an MTSS Practice
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👉 Additional resources to check out:
- BLOG: How Does MTSS Connect With the Science of Reading?
- ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Addressing America’s Literacy Crisis Through Evidence-Based Action: Case Study of California's New Literacy Plan
- GUIDE: MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart
- BLOG: A Free, Evidence-Based, Reading Intervention for Secondary Students
- BLOG: 5 Practical Reading Comprehension Strategies for Secondary Students
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About this webinar:
Every teacher who has taught early literacy has probably experienced that for some students reading comes easily, where for others it just doesn’t seem to “click.”
The science of reading and our understanding of brain development related to reading skill has shed light onto why that is. In fact, we know what certain markers to look for and the best ways to approach supporting students who may be at risk for reading difficulties.
In this webinar, we’ll break down what dyslexia is and what we know about what’s happening in the brain when children are learning how to read—and when they aren’t. We’ll also discuss how an MTSS practice can help us proactively identify students at risk for dyslexia and get them the early and targeted support they need.
Watch this webinar to learn:
➡️ The inner workings of dyslexia
➡️ How to identify early markers of dyslexia
➡️ Ways to embed this work in your MTSS practice
About the presenter:
Dr. Eva Dundas
Dr. Eva Dundas is the Chief Product Officer at Branching Minds, where she pursues her mission to bridge the gap between the science of learning and education practice. Dr. Dundas has a Ph.D. in developmental and cognitive psychology from Carnegie Mellon University where she conducted research on how the brain develops when children acquire visual expertise for words and faces. Her research also explores how the relationship between neural systems (specifically language and visual processing) unfolds over development, and how those dynamics differ with neurodevelopmental disorders like dyslexia and autism. She has published articles on that subject in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Dr. Dundas also has an M.Ed. in mind, brain, and education from Harvard University, and a B.S. in neuroscience from the University of Pittsburgh