SEL and Behavior Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies

    Branching Minds is constantly updating our library of 1000s of evidence-based programs, strategies, activities, tools, and resources to help teachers find the right support for each student across both academic and behavioral domains. We are excited to spotlight one of those free evidence based interventions for you here: 


    Free, evidence-based, attendance intervention for tiers 1 to 3 : Attendance Buddy


    This simple but effective strategy can be used with students who are chronically absent. Students are assigned a buddy or mentor who they check in with daily. The buddy can be a school staff member who already has a close relationship with the student. The buddy is also responsible for calling home when the student is absent, helping the student set attendance-related goals, and connecting the student with additional staff and resources. This strategy aims to foster caring and positive relationships between at-risk students and school staff. It also holds students accountable for their attendance. Importantly, these types of mentorship strategies and practices have been shown to significantly increase student engagement and attendance and decrease discipline referrals.  

    For more information on how to use this strategy, sample recruitment letters, and confidentiality forms, go to Attendance Works.

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    Tagged: SEL and Behavior, Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies

    January 3, 2020

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