Branching Minds is constantly updating our library of 1000s of evidence-based programs, strategies, activities, tools, and resources to help teachers find the right support for each student across both academic and behavioral domains. We are excited to spotlight one of those free evidence-based interventions for you here: Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI).

Check out this free evidence-based reading intervention for secondary students: iStrategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI)
STARI is a Tier 2 intervention for adolescents who read two or more years below grade level. The program not only teaches core reading skills (e.g., fluency, decoding, stamina, and comprehension) but also focuses on deeper-level comprehension skills, such as perspective-taking and critical thinking. Students are kept motivated and engaged through relevant texts and peer dialogues and discussions which are built into each lesson.
The research evidence supporting STARi’s effectiveness is strong. A large randomized-controlled study found that students who received the STARi program had significant gains in reading comprehension, word recognition, and morphological awareness, compared to students who did not receive the program.
The program also significantly reduced achievement gaps between struggling readers and their classmates. The program’s materials and resources can be downloaded for free by registering for an account online here.
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