Tier 3 Behavior Planning and Wraparound Supports [Part 1]

    Tuesday, September 26, 2023
    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    1 PM ET / 12 PM CT / 10 AM PT

    Designing an effective Tier 3 behavior intervention plan is skillful work. Each plan must be individualized, comprehensive, and collaborative – including coordination of wraparound services.  

    Join us for part 1 of our walk-through of Tier 3 behavior plan components, including tips, reality checks, and possible pitfalls to avoid. We will include a downloadable behavior plan template that you can make your own!

    👉 Access the recording 👈

    👀 Looking for part 2? Available here

    Note: Certificates of attendance were emailed to registered live attendees who attended 45 minutes or more of this webinar. We are unable to issue certificates of attendance to those who watch the webinar on demand (i.e., after it takes place live). 

    The presenters:

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    Trudy Bender
    MTSS Content Manager, Branching Minds

    Trudy Bender is the MTSS Content Manager at Branching Minds. She has extensive experience as a teacher, school psychologist, and district administrator. She previously served as the Coordinator of District Behavior Intervention for Waco ISD, where she led the district in reducing exclusionary discipline practices and disproportionality. She facilitated the implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavior, including initiatives to improve school climate and universal behavior supports, provide effective Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior intervention programs, and coordinate wrap-around services and transitional support for students in alternative disciplinary settings. Trudy built a multi-year sequence of teacher training in classroom management, behavior intervention, and peer coaching to help build capacity and address teacher turnover. She is a Restorative Discipline Facilitator and has expertise in building district and campus systems that incorporate restorative practices. She is currently part of an effort to enhance school safety by providing PBIS and restorative practices training for educators throughout Texas. Trudy is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.

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    Christina Solinger
    Professional Services Manager, Branching Minds

    Christina Solinger is a Professional Services Manager for Branching Minds. Specializing in student Mental Health and Social Emotional Learning, Christina holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and a K-12 School Counseling License. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Psychology, Christina has over 10 years of experience training and coaching others to work with students and families in both the public school system and non-profit sector. Christina is passionate about working alongside educators to repair achievement gaps in the public school system through the power of data, joy, and courageous reflection.