Addressing America’s Literacy Crisis Through Evidence-Based Action - Case Study of California's New Literacy Plan

    Thursday, March 31, 2022
    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    This event is in Pacific Time
    12 PM PT/ 2 PM CT/ 3 PM ET

    America is currently at the center of a literacy crisis. New data from districts across the nation shows that students are incredibly behind in reading, and increasingly high percentages of students require immediate and intensive reading intervention.

    This literacy crisis impacts students disproportionately and widens the achievement gap within districts and states. Schools need proactive and systematic implementation of evidence-based reading instruction and intervention in order to address this challenge.

    On March 31st, Dr. Eva Dundas and Education Consultant Gary D. Soto will discuss this current crisis through the lens of a case study of California’s new literacy plan. Their discussion will include perspective and research supporting the science of reading and the need for systematic change from school leaders to proactively aid struggling readers. 

    This webinar will discuss:

    • The current literacy crisis and causation
    • The need for federal, state, and agency alignment for evidence-based literacy instruction  
    • Guidance on reading intervention for district/school leadership 
    • How to embed the science of reading into an MTSS framework 

    While this webinar will focus on California’s literacy plan as our case study, many of the components and conversations will address global challenges concerning reading instruction and MTSS. We will be structuring the conversation on practices specific to district/school leadership, but reading is relevant to all aspects of education. All are welcome! 

    👉 Access the Recording 👈

    About the presenters: 

    Gary D. Soto:
    Gary D. Soto is the recipient of the National Educator Award for helping to Reshape American Education. He is also one of the authors of “Crimes Against Learning: Solving the Serial Failure of School Reform” which is helping to guide educational leaders toward significant student achievement for ALL learners. He believes in ALL students and hopes to work with visionary educators that hold the same belief.

    Gary D Soto is a former elementary and secondary teacher and administrator. Working with Pre-K-12 districts and schools throughout the country, Gary focuses on transformational reform which increases student achievement while creating a culture that values what’s important. A powerful speaker for all stakeholders, Gary provides key insights that often make the difference in whole system reform.

    Dr. Eva Dundas:
    Dr. Dundas is the Chief Learning Officer of Branching Minds, where she pursues her mission to bridge the gap between the science of learning and education practice. Dr. Dundas has a Ph.D. in Developmental and Cognitive Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University where she conducted research on how the brain develops when children acquire visual expertise for words and faces. Her research also explores how the relationship between neural systems (specifically language and visual processing) unfolds over development, and how those dynamics differ with neurodevelopmental disorders like dyslexia and autism. She has published articles on that subject in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Dr. Dundas also has a M.Ed. in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard University; and a B.S. in Neuroscience from the University of Pittsburgh.

    Mollie Breese:
    Mollie Breese is the Content Manager at Branching Minds. She helps streamline the support library, so schools can identify and access the interventions they need to support student success. She researches the newest strategies, activities, and programs to add to the robust library, providing a wealth of resources for partner schools. Prior to joining Branching Minds, Mollie worked in the classroom as an English teacher, Reading teacher, and ESL instructor. Mollie earned her B.A. in Political Science from the University of Missouri, and her M.A. in English Literature from the University of Glasgow.


    Earlier Event: September 10
    Later Event: October 1