Meet HB 1416 requirements and align with overall support plans
Enhance the implementation of evidence-based practices
Move from RTI to MTSS seamlessly, and from a compliance focus to a progress focus intentionally


See how Branching Minds helps district partners in Texas implement MTSS with consistency and fidelity, in compliance with House Bill 1416.
A System-Level MTSS Platform and More…
We are a team of seasoned educators, learning scientists, and technologists with a proven track record of supporting hundreds of K-12 school districts. We are uniquely positioned as a district/school intervention management system to bring together all the aspects of MTSS to achieve fidelity, and make MTSS best practices practicable for both teachers and administrators.
Document Intervention Plans in Support of Texas HB 1416
In response to HB 1416, many Texas schools are building accelerated instruction plans directly into students’ overarching intervention plans as part of their MTSS framework. Branching Minds' Accelerated Learning Report aligns the requirements of HB 1416 with your MTSS framework to maximize the effectiveness of intervention.

Achieve Your HB 1416 Goals & Requirements With Branching Minds
Branching Minds has been partnering with schools and districts in Texas since 2015. In 2023, BRM supported 561,171 students, 834 schools, 31 districts, and 3 charter networks to collaboratively manage their MTSS practice and simultaneously meet the requirements of HB 1416.
Identify Which Students Are in Need of Supplemental Instruction & Accelerated Learning Committees
Branching Minds flags which students need supplemental instruction and/or accelerated learning committees with custom tags, so everyone at a campus or district can quickly filter and find which students need this support. This makes it easy for teachers and staff to easily identify students needing supplemental instruction and accelerated learning committees.

Streamline Your Data Collection To Support Decision-Making
STAAR data is available in the BRM platform, making it easy for teachers and staff to see a student’s historical STAAR data so they can make the best data-based decisions for each individual student.
The Plan & Progress page allows student data to be shared collaboratively by teachers and support team members to facilitate shared, informed decision-making.

WHITE PAPER: Aligning House Bill 4545 With a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework
This report was prepared by Branching Minds in collaboration with our partners in several of the largest school districts in Texas. It outlines the alignment of HB 4545 with the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework, which is already operationalized in most Texas schools, and offers recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HB 4545 by intentionally leveraging the MTSS framework to support accelerated instruction for struggling students.

With the Branching Minds Platform Texas Districts Can:
Document intervention plans in support of Texas HB 1416
View STAAR performance levels, ALC Meeting completion, and intervention minutes documented for each student to demonstrate compliance with Texas HB 1416
Log completion of ALC Meetings in support of Texas HB 1416
San Antonio ISD
San Antonio, Texas
53,000 Students
Waco ISD
Waco, Texas
14,775 Students

We searched high and low, and after exploring a lot of options, Branching Minds was best aligned to our vision for where we wanted to go in the district.
— Dawn Kulpa, MTSS & SEL/SEAD Director
We have students who were previously unsuccessful academically because of their behavior who are now achieving academic success.
— Trudy Bender, Coordinator, District Behavior Intervention

Spring Branch ISD
Houston, Texas
As our team became more proficient with supporting students individual needs, it became clear that we needed a better way to keep track of how we intervene with students and also more tools on how to intervene and why. Branching Minds provides so much more than just a solution to our problem. Branching Minds has illuminated a path forward for developing the foundational systems and processes we need to truly personalize supports for our students. In addition, Branching Minds multiplies our capacity to identify and respond to student needs.
— Sarah Guerrero, Principal, Northbrook Middle School

Bryan ISD
Bryan, Texas
“Branching Minds has given classroom teachers more in-depth knowledge regarding areas in which a student struggles and the intervention tools to help meet their needs.”
— Kristen Beesaw, RTI and Dyslexia Coordinator at Bryan ISD
For more information on how the Branching Minds platform can specifically support your district initiatives, request a demo below.