SEL and Mental Health MTSS Practice Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies Branching Minds Platform

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    Beaumont Independent School District


    State: Texas | Type of School: City | Students: 19,453

    Diversity:  59.6% Black, 26.5% Hispanic/Latino, 8.3%  White, 2.9% Asian/API 2.8% Other

    Free or reduced lunch: 60.6%

    With over 19,000 students and 20 schools, district MTSS Specialist Emma McBride had to be strategic to implement MTSS district-wide and get all teams on the same page. “Some campuses really were self-initiated and were starting the process of building that MTSS framework. Some campuses were like, what is MTSS? So having such a big district, it varied depending on the campus.” 

    The district needed one system to help them bring all the data together, especially for students moving between campuses. She did her research, "In a district that is struggling, you don't have time to implement a program with staff and then decide, this isn't exactly what we want."


    Too Much Data, Not Enough Action

    For Beaumont, it was one thing to collect student data through assessments and progress monitoring tools, but another to do something with it. “We wanted to have actionable data. We had a lot of data on our hands and it was spread out into different programs. Having assessment and support data in one place so that we could look at it as a whole and make better data-based  decisions was our main goal.”

    Emma recognized that they did not lack resources or staff, they just needed an efficient way to collaborate and see the whole picture of a child. “The biggest thing that we needed Branching Minds to do for us was really just to pull all of the amazing resources and staff that we already have together in a platform where we could collaborate and see the cumulative support for the student in real-time.”


    Seamless Interventions and Collaboration for Vulnerable Students

    With Branching Minds, Beaumont is making strides in designing support for students, especially students in alternative settings. They are able to utilize resources within Branching Minds to create support plans for students and have those supports follow them back to their home campus. “That's their specialty at the alternative campus, to pour that support into those students, to change their path, turn them back to the regular campus, and really help them be successful.” When the student returns to the home campus, the alternative campus team shares what they’ve learned about how to support that student through Branching Minds.  The home campus team can now continue any successful specialized support from the alternative setting! 

    This type of collaboration is one example of how having the Branching Minds platform transformed Beaumont’s collaboration and communication. "Seeing all of those departments come together in one room and really talk about how they support students and their processes gave a bigger picture of how everyone's job fits together and how there really is a huge need for everyone to bring their expertise to the table.”

    Tagged: SEL and Mental Health, MTSS Practice, Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies, Branching Minds Platform

    Learn more about what it means to partner with Branching Minds

    Deepen your teams district-wide collaboration and take action on your MTSS data with our platform!

    So, just in the comparison itself with all the other programs that are on the market, Branching Minds honestly is the complete package. You have all of the intervention support and guidance. You have all of the capability of focusing your support library on exactly what you want it to be for your district. The amount of support that Branching Minds offers in itself really gets that ball rolling for the district. It really gives that expert backup and proactive guidance to set your MTSS framework up for success from the beginning.
    — Emma McBride, Multi-Tiered Systems Specialist, Beaumont ISD, TX

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