Branching Minds to provide teachers and school and district administrators with powerful, solutions-driven MTSS platform to inform instruction, intervention, and data-based decision making
New York, NY (October 7, 2021) - Branching Minds, the digital platform and national leader on Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI), proudly announces its expansion in Illinois with an exciting new partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the third largest school district in the United States. This partnership kicked off with the decision by the school board on June 23rd, 2021, to implement the Branching Minds technology coupled with professional training to empower educators in schools across the district to more effectively, efficiently, and support students.
MTSS, a collaborative, evidence-based approach to differentiating instruction and providing intervention across academics, social-emotional learning, and behavior, has been demonstrated to be one of the most effective system-wide approaches to improve student outcomes and provide an educational experience. Branching Minds will provide CPS educators and administrators with a unified online system to implement MTSS that will collect, analyze and report on student academic, social-emotional, and behavioral data; collaboratively develop student intervention plans; and find evidence-based learning supports for their students. In addition, the platform will be used by network and district-level administrators to find gaps and address them. Through a blend of platform use, synchronous and asynchronous professional learning and ongoing support, the Branching Minds partnership will help ensure a high-fidelity MTSS implementation, which will in turn improve education outcomes.
Branching Minds, as a leading MTSS/RTI solution, has extensive experience in partnering with schools and districts across the country to streamline work for educators and improve student outcomes. Used by over 1500 schools and 1 million students nationwide since 2013, Branching Minds has partnered with other large urban districts, such as Fort Worth ISD and San Antonio ISD in Texas, and numerous suburban and rural districts - including many in Illinois. In terms of outcomes, students supported on Branching Minds made statistically significant gains in math and literacy over similar students not supported on the platform. Meanwhile, over 91% of school leaders surveyed report that BRM had increased the consistency of their intervention practice and 96% report that BRM had improved the quality of their intervention meetings.
“We are honored to be selected by the leaders of Chicago Public Schools as their partner in this game-changing work of implementing MTSS. As a former classroom teacher, I know how hard it can be to make sure that every student receives the academic, behavioral and social emotional support they need and deserve. We built Branching Minds to help teachers and administrators more easily support all of their learners more effectively through high-fidelity MTSS. We are grateful for this partnership and excited to get into the work!”
--— Maya Gat, CEO and Co-Founder, Branching Minds
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