Branching Minds is thrilled to offer all New Hampshire districts support in implementing and sustaining a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) that is efficient, effective, and equitable.

    A partnership with Branching Minds includes:

    Access to the Branching Minds MTSS A&B platform, including technical and consultative support with data implementation
    Ongoing professional development to scaffold platform implementation and support a streamlined, sustainable MTSS A&B practice

    Joining a community of MTSS district and campus leaders and educators across the country to collaborate on best practices

    NYC pilot 250x250

    All New Hampshire districts will receive exclusive discounts when partnering with Branching Minds.
    Contact us to learn more.

    Why Partner With Branching Minds?

    Give your team all the insights and guidance they need to collaboratively achieve best practices so that your students, staff, and schools succeed.

    Branching Minds supports schools in doing the work of MTSS A&B and making personalized learning sustainable for schools and teachers. We do the heavy lifting by bringing together all the data and giving teachers actionable insights on how to provide the necessary instruction to meet the unique learning needs, strengths, and challenges of each student in their class. The Branching Minds platform streamlines the work of MTSS and empowers teachers with the insights and guidance they need to personalize support for students so that they have more time and energy to do the inherently personal and personalized work of building positive student-teacher relationships. Learn more about our work and impact in this report

    BRM in New Hampshire-1

    Aligned With New Hampshire's Core Features of MTSS-B

    SEL icon-1Social-emotional & mental health for all

    The Branching Minds platform provides districts and schools with the ability to integrate data from several SEL and Behavioral Health assessments. The results are presented alongside academic assessments, intervention plans, behavior incidents, progress monitoring, and other documents and communications, so that school teams have all the information they need to guide decisions and support student wellness.


    bm_ico_interventionTiered prevention framework

    Branching Minds helps you proactively and equitably identify the appropriate level of support for each of your students, across all Tiers. This allows teachers and administrators to quickly and easily see at-a-glance which students need support, in which topic areas, and why, along with how they can most effectively support those students. 

    Data workshop blueFocus on progress monitoring and outcomes

    The Branching Minds platform scaffolds supporting planning by guiding educators through the creation of SMART goals, progress monitoring, and intervention planning for students using best practices. Educators can document services provided by all district staff and external service providers (including tutors) and track student progress with a calculated Rate of Improvement. 


    bm_ico_tier (1)Integrated delivery system

    Branching Minds helps you access and analyze the diverse data points required for MTSS, allowing all stakeholders — from district leaders to teachers — to view critical data sets in one place:  assessments, observations, evidence-based interventions, family communications, meetings, forms, services, and more.

    Integrations With Any Student Information System

    Effective MTSS hinges on teachers’ ability to see the whole child and to leverage all of the necessary data to know who needs support, what to do to support them, and whether or not the support provided has helped. To do this work well, teachers need access to all of those data. Fragmented data is a common limitation for districts and double entry of data is the downfall of any system. To support schools and districts’ efforts to achieve high-fidelity MTSS, Branching Minds continuously enhances our data interoperability practices. 

    Rostering Data

    The Branching Minds platform connects with student information systems in either automated or manual ways to support rostering. Our platform is Clever, ClassLink and RicOne enabled, we also support the Infinite Campus OneRoster API, and are compliant with One Roster CSV files, managed by school district exports.

    Other Data Pulled from SIS

    Beyond rostering data, districts can also send student demographic data, IEP/504 status, FRL status, attendance concerns, gifted/talented status, and English proficiency (manual only, based on state’s EP levels). Both student behavior incidents and testing accommodations can be imported into and exported out of Branching Minds using CSV files through SFTP.  

    Protect Your Data

    When using our MTSS platform, our partners entrust us with a vast amount of student and staff information, and we make sure this data is protected so educators can focus on learning priorities and goals with peace of mind.

    Branching Minds has a mature Information Security Program that utilizes controls based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and a current SOC 2 Type 2 report to achieve this. We are also partners with the Student Data Privacy Consortium and the New Hampshire Student Privacy Alliance Consortium.

    Branching Minds strives to stay current on security practices and requirements, and we go above and beyond to pursue certifications of security measures to demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding our partners' information.

    • BRM 2 Codie Awards 2024
    • Data Privacy Certification by 1EdTech - branching minds-min
    • Customer Service Award by Business Intelligence Group - branching minds-min
    • Interoperability  Rating Tier 4 by Project Unicorn - Branching Minds-min
    • Research-Based Design Product Certification by Digital Promise - Branching Minds-min
    • Privacy Rating  by Common Sense - branching minds-min
    • Learner Variability Certification by Digital Promise - Branching Minds-min
    • ESSA
    • SOC 2 Type 2 Certification by AICPA-min (1)
    • 1edtech-oneroster-cert-branching-minds

    Support Planning (and Data Review!) Made Simple:
    A Lunch & Learn for New Hampshire Districts

    Wednesday, July 24
    12:30 PM - 2:00 PM ET
     Common Man Concord [Governor's Chamber], 25 Water Street, Concord

    Join an exclusive group of New Hampshire educators to discuss MTSS best practices - with a focus on streamlining support planning and data review - while swapping MTSS success stories, sharing lessons learned, and enjoying a free, delicious meal. By attending, you'll have the opportunity to: 

    Meet and brainstorm with administrators from surrounding districts

    Gain tips and tools to help your team(s) simplify student support planning and data review, including how Branching Minds can scaffold this for your entire district

    Hear from Christine Downing - Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for SAU 32, SAU 75, and SAU 100 - about the breadth and impact of NH district partnerships with Branching Minds 

    Learn how Branching Minds can streamline and elevate your entire MTSS practice, with exclusive pricing secured by NHED

    If you're ready to give your team the visibility and insights they need to help students succeed, then you don't want to miss this event! Space is limited - save your spot today.

    Partner Feedback

    Don't take our word for it! Hear what our district partners have to say:

    "Our teachers can't imagine doing MTSS Structures without Branching Minds anymore. They finally have a mechanism to record all this great collegiality, time, and effort they're putting toward students. You can clearly see that effort through data and observations all documented in a record that is attached to each student.”

    Christine Downing, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Plainfield School District (NH)

    "Branching Minds has been instrumental to our success because it forces us to examine our practices at every single level and really do a deep dive into what's working, what's not working, and what pieces are missing, and providing us access to a bank of interventions that we know are research-based that we can hit the ground running with."

    Jenna Blank, RTI Coordinator, Livonia Central School District (NY)

    "We were looking for a platform to house data. And we needed a way that streamlined it and made it accessible. We've had many different kinds of platforms. We came across Branching Minds, and this does much more than house data - it actually gives a platform that's interactive and can address the challenges that are coming up.”

    Mandy Couturier, Director of MTSS, Harwood Unified Union School District (VT)

    Request a personalized walkthrough of the BRM platform and learn more about exclusive benefits for NH districts

    Got questions? Join a Live Info Session

    We have answers! Join us for 1 of 5 live sessions to review what this partnership will entail and how your district can benefit. Attendees will see a live platform demo, review current partner success stories, and learn when & how their district can opt-in as this partnership officially launches over the next few months. 


    Frequently Asked Questions


    How do I learn more?

    Complete this form to get a NH-specific walkthrough of the Branching Minds platform, and available benefits.

    How does my district’s data get into the platform?

    Branching Minds works closely with our districts during onboarding to ensure their academic, SEL, and behavioral data are ingested and/or collected in the BRM platform. Branching Minds assigns all districts a Data Implementation Specialist (DIS) to ensure there are no data interoperability roadblocks when onboarding. 

    What should my district expect during onboarding?

    Districts will receive support throughout their onboarding from their Branching Minds Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Data Implementation Specialist (DIS). Districts will meet with their CSM to learn more about the platform and to set goals for their implementation at the start of the partnership. Their CSM will be their guide and internal advocate, and will work with them throughout the partnership to ensure they meet their platform and practice implementation goals.

    What professional learning can I expect to get started?

    Once districts are successfully rostered on Branching Minds (BRM), all educators gain access to the BRM MTSS Learning Hub. This hub hosts multiple mini-courses on how to launch and use Branching Minds, including “Branching Minds Basics,” “Teacher Role in Branching Minds,” and “Manager Role in Branching Minds.”

    Additionally, New Hampshire districts will have access to two PD sessions (Implementation 101 and Readiness 101) at an exclusive, reduced price point, plus access to monthly webinars to support each district in implementing and sustaining an effective MTSS:

    How to Access the Branching Minds MTSS Learning Hub
    60 minutes
    Attendees will gain proficiency in logging into both Branching Minds and The
    Branching Minds MTSS Learning Hub. This supplementary session aims to
    facilitate a smooth transition into utilizing Branching Minds. Moreover, it will
    equip participants with the knowledge to anticipate and address potential
    obstacles others might encounter when logging in and accessing Branching
    Minds for the first time.

    How to Build Your MTSS Team at Each School
    90 minutes
    By participating in this session, attendees will acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical strategies for establishing and strengthening MTSS teams within their school communities. They will learn how to identify key stakeholders, define roles and responsibilities, foster collaboration among team members, and implement effective communication channels to support the launch of Branching Minds.

    Branching Minds for School and District Leaders
    90 minutes
    Participants will take a deep dive into customizing, configuring, and
    expanding your school and district’s use of Branching Minds. This session is focused on building leadership capacity to support the launch and adoption of MTSS practices in Branching Minds.

    Branching Minds and Behavior Intervention Planning
    90 minutes
    Participants will take a deep dive into all things behavior in Branching Minds Attendees will have an opportunity to review behavioral data within Branching Minds, configure behavior progress monitoring tools, create behavior plans, and group students based on common behavioral needs. This session will focus on using a direct behavior rater or behavior report card as the progress monitoring tool.

    Supporting Secondary Educators Through Branching Minds
    60 minutes
    Participants will explore advanced strategies and innovative approaches for implementing Branching Minds in secondary educational settings. As students progress to higher grade levels, the operational dynamics of MTSS change to align with the unique scheduling and credit requirements of older learners. This session is aimed at optimizing the utilization of Branching Minds within the context of secondary education.

    Reporting Features in Branching Minds
    60 minutes
    Participants will take a deep dive into the rich array of reports and analyses available within the Branching Minds platform. Through hands-on exploration and guided instruction, attendees will discover how to leverage these powerful tools to gain deep insights into student progress, instructional effectiveness, and intervention outcomes. 


    What does the platform do?

    Branching Minds, a leading K-12 educational technology platform, is designed to support schools in doing the work of MTSS and to make personalized learning sustainable for schools and teachers. We do the heavy lifting by bringing together all the data and giving teachers actionable insights on how to provide the necessary instruction to meet the unique learning needs, strengths, and challenges of each student in their class. Our platform streamlines the work of MTSS, empowering teachers with the insights and guidance they need to personalize support for students and allowing them more time to build positive student-teacher relationships.

    How does BRM help teachers?

    Branching Minds helps teachers save time and effort, and make data-informed decisions. With access to student information, family communication, evidence-based interventions, observations, assessments, and more in one convenient location, teachers can focus on teaching, fostering better collaboration and efficiency.

    How does BRM help school leaders?

    Branching Minds supports educational leaders through actionable insights from centralized data. Through our scaffolded tools, leaders can pinpoint areas requiring support or resources, improving overall productivity and efficiency. This centralized approach saves leaders time and promotes equity and accountability, improving student outcomes. 

    Have districts like mine been successful with BRM?

    Absolutely! See how our district partners make their MTSS vision a reality with Branching Minds.

    What kind of impact has BRM had?

    Districts that work with Branching Minds see improvements in student achievement, student engagement, and teacher innovation & and effectiveness. Check out some of our case studies to learn more.

    How does BRM keep my data secure?

    Here at Branching Minds, we take data privacy and security very seriously. Striving to stay current on security practices and requirements means that we go above and beyond to pursue certifications of security measures to demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding our partners' information. We know our partners entrust a vast amount of student and employee information to us, and we aim to support our partners in protecting their data so they can focus on their learning priorities and achieve their goals with peace of mind. Learn more.


    Streamline your MTSS A&B and empower your educators.
