What Do the Tiers Mean in Response to Intervention (RTI) / Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)?

    Tier 1 - Core Instruction, Tier 2, Tier 3

    A three-tiered system of service delivery is a necessary structure to efficiently and effectively support all children, not just those who struggle in school. The three-tiered system of service delivery is crucial in the attempt to ensure all students achieve at high levels and all students achieve college and career readiness. 

    What Do the Tiers Mean In Response to Intervention (RTI) / Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)?

    Tier 1 - Core Instruction, Tier 2, Tier 3

    A three-tiered system of service delivery is a necessary structure to efficiently and effectively support all children, not just those who struggle in school. The three-tiered system of service delivery is crucial in the attempt to ensure all students achieve at high levels and all students achieve college and career readiness. 

    Tier 3 Interventions in MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

    Tier 3

    Students who have not demonstrated progress with targeted group interventions at Tier 2 require more time in more intensive interventions. Tier 3 interventions are distinguished from Tier 2 interventions because they are individualized based on data collected in individual problem solving, occur with smaller student-teacher ratios (e.g., ideally 1-on-1, however, groups of 3 to 5 students or a larger group broken into a few groups of 3-5 students, is acceptable for middle and high schools), and possibly occur for a longer duration of time (e.g., more daily minutes or more weeks spent in intervention). About 5-10% of students will require this level of intensive support.