It’s your job to pull all the pieces together—and WOW are there a lot of pieces! From curriculum planning and enrollment management, to staffing and addressing the diverse needs of students and teachers, to connecting with the community and advocating for your campus. Underneath it all is a well of data that can inform your next steps. Using data effectively is a crucial leadership skill. Academic assessments, intervention monitoring, attendance and behavioral data help you make informed decisions that drive school improvement and boost student success …. IF you know what to look at, how, and when.
Do some groups of students in your district remain at higher risk for academic failure or harsh discipline, despite the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) you’ve worked so hard to put in place? If so, screening and tiering practices may be part of the problem . . . and part of the solution!
Addressing Tier 3 behavior can be challenging, but utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) can make successful intervention planning both possible and practical in any size district.
Hooray! You've already laid the groundwork for MTSS success by establishing a clear vision for the work in collaboration with your colleagues. The initial hurdle of getting systems off the ground and providing basic training for staff members on board has been completed. But now, as you move toward full implementation and continuous growth, you're stepping into the big leagues.
Years ago, as part of a team opening a new high school, our principal emphasized the importance of site-based decision-making. With input from our leadership team, we dedicated considerable thought to our master schedule. Our principal reminded us that scheduling reflects our priorities, leading us to adopt a nonconventional schedule to support deep learning for all students. We decided on a 4x4 block schedule but heard the concerns raised by stakeholder groups, so we modified it. We alternated classes by quarter instead of semester. We also added an extra "floating block" in 9th and 10th grade English to offer additional literacy instruction for all students.
So, you have identified students needing a support plan, created goals, selected and implemented appropriate interventions, and collected data using a progress monitoring tool or assessment. Fantastic! These are all necessary steps to supporting students through your Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).
In my decade in the classroom, I worked with several co-teachers. Some were special education teachers, some para-educators, ELL teachers, and even gifted and talented teachers. Each year, the co-teaching relationship worked differently. And yes, some were more successful than others. But when we had planning time and appropriate facilitation, co-teaching benefited not only the students who required extra support but all the students in my classes.
How do you get the most impact out of your MTSS efforts? Impact and effort are often competing realities, so it can be a challenge to know how to strategically approach the work. An Impact-Effort Map is a tool you can use to visualize and prioritize tasks when launching your MTSS practice or with any initiative. It's a two-dimensional matrix where impact is plotted against effort in order to identify which tasks should be done now, done later, or delegated.