Top 10 Used Behavioral Strategies in 2020

    SEL and Mental Health, Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies

    Discover the Top 10 Used Behavioral Strategies in 2020, and How To Implement Them Effectively

    Supporting students who exhibit challenging behaviors in the classroom and struggle socially and emotionally is an important part of the MTSS framework. In this blog, we provide the most commonly used behavioral interventions and strategies from 2020.

    Although these are popular strategies that teachers use with students, there are always ways to improve upon them and strengthen their implementation and impact. Along with the strategies, we provide suggestions for ensuring students are being supported through their development of positive classroom behaviors and their social-emotional well-being. 

    Happy Holidays from Branching Minds, and Poetry to Welcome 2021


    WHOA. 2020, has been some kind of year… A year of unprecedented times -- COVID, extreme weather, a divisive election, soaring much hardship and so much loss. This year has pressure tested our systems, all of them. 

    Top Most Used Remote Programs, Interventions and Strategies in 2020

    Interventions and Learning Supports' Strategies

    Over the past 10 months, with the pandemic outbreak, education systems have shifted to virtual and quasi virtual learning. The usage of remote learning intervention, tools, programs and strategies have increased drastically across subjects for all grade levels. 

    Over the next few months we will be rounding up our top used supports in 2020.
    First up we have our most popular remote learning programs, interventions, and strategies that have been used during the 2020 year.

    How to Create a Seamless Data-Driven School Culture Through MTSS

    MTSS Infrastructure, MTSS Data Literacy

    I often think about an afternoon many years ago when I took my daughter to our local coffee shop to treat ourselves to a special dessert. She was around four or five years old, and as she stood in front of the enormous display of pies, cakes and puddings, she became overwhelmed and said, “What to choose? There is too much of much!” Too much of much... I found such meaning in those unexpected words and as a result, the phrase has stayed with me throughout the years.  

    How To Use Progress Monitoring Data To Guide Decision Making in MTSS

    Data-Driven Decisions

    What Is the Purpose of Progress Monitoring in MTSS?

    Effective progress monitoring is critical for a successful MTSS/RTI practice. In addition to universal screening assessments—which are given to all students three times a year—, students receiving Tier 2 or 3 levels of support should be given a progress monitoring assessment every other week or weekly, respectively. These data allow us to have better visibility into whether or not our support is working for a given student, and more importantly, when it's not so that we can adjust the intervention approach quickly to better meet the needs of that student.

    Assessments used for progress monitoring should be quick, skill (not content) based, and valid and reliable (i.e., having demonstrated to accurately and consistently measure what they are supposed to be evaluating). The Center for Intensive Intervention has a helpful chart that evaluates and compares these qualities for common progress monitoring assessments. 

    3 Common Issues With Assessments During Distance Learning

    Data-Driven Decisions

    Among many of the COVID-19 and remote learning struggles for educators, understanding students’ assessment data has been one of the most common challenges. Interpreting student scores from universal screeners and benchmarks, and using the data to inform instruction and support, is an essential component of any MTSS framework.

    Without this information, educators must rely solely on their own observations of students to determine who is keeping up and who is falling behind. And of course, this becomes even more of a struggle when teachers aren’t able to observe and work with their students in person.

    These types of issues will likely stick around for a while, but as long as we continue to have students learning remotely it is essential to figure out ways to work with the data and information that is available. Below are common concerns that educators have with assessment data from their remote learners and suggestions for how to address them. 

    A Note of Gratitude


    2020 has been a doozy and I’m pretty sure I won’t be alone celebrating the new year of 2021 with a capital C. That being said this Thanksgiving, I, and the entire Branching Minds team, have a ton for which to be grateful. 

    DeSoto ISD looking to implement new strategies to improve educational outcomes for students

    News, Leadership in MTSS

    The district will transition to the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in the spring.

    DeSoto ISD is looking to take a more holistic approach to teaching its students through a learning model known as a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, the district announced.

    Reflections on the MTSS Journey of Greene County Schools, NC

    MTSS Practice

    Good Intentions, Good Enough

    In almost 20 years of experience in education, good intention when it comes to intervention or specifically Response to Intervention (RtI) has never wavered or lacked. As educators, we are passionate about our students and we know that with the “perfect prescript” of support all students can grow. However, at times we may find ourselves settling with our intent as “good enough.” We become overwhelmed with the tasks involved in developing, implementing, and following-up with these support plans. As educators these unmet expectations weigh heavily and too often districts find themselves with well-written plans that lack follow-through. So how can we move beyond “good enough” to become “more than enough” - intervening with fidelity and effectiveness? 

    Understanding MTSS Tier Levels: Common Problems and Solutions

    Academics, Tier 2, Tier 3

    Identifying students’ tier level of support is an integral part of any Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. Not only does it help educators know which students require targeted and intensive intervention plans, but it also provides insight into the health of a district or school’s MTSS practice. When leaders have visibility into the proportion of students at each tier level and how students are moving across levels of support, they can identify gaps and develop strategies to strengthen their intervention approaches.