MTSS Practice MTSS Basics

    In a healthy RTI/MTSS practice, a data-driven approach is not only important for guiding decisions for individual student needs, but it’s also critical for evaluating the quality and impact of the practice at the school and district level. We recommend that school and/or district leadership meet three times a year, following the administration of universal screening assessments, to reflect on and evaluate their practice. The goal of this meeting is to understand the health of school-level MTSS/RT practice by looking at the percent of students who are adequately being served by the core, the level of instruction across demographics, and improvement in student outcome measures since the last meeting. These metrics are used to evaluate the quality of practice across tier 1, 2, and 3 levels of support and guide school-level improvement plans.

    WEBINAR: Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of your MTSS Practice

    Evaluating the quality of your MTSS practice

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    Tagged: MTSS Practice, MTSS Basics

    January 20, 2021

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